
Improving your golf course management is one of the easiest ways to improve your golf – no gym sessions, no expensive clubs, no hours at the range, just thinking a little differently about how you play golf and score.

First, let’s explain two key concepts:

Golf course strategy is an overarching plan that will give you the best possible chance of achieving your golfing goal. For example, how to break 80, win the club championship, or beat your rival in a grudge match.

Golf course management relates to the decisions you make on each hole and every shot that will help you execute your strategy. Therefore great golf course management first relies on building a strategy.

I only have one rule for you – optimising your scoring is not about how good your good shots are, but rather, how good your bad shots are and how many strokes those bad shots cost you.

Bear this in mind with your strategy and course management decisions. Tour players don’t play flawless golf, but those shots rarely cost them a double bogey. Great golf strategy and management is about hitting bad golf shots and them barely affecting your score.

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